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Alcohol’s Effects on the Body National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

By July 7, 2021August 22nd, 2024No Comments

can alcohol weaken your immune system

The PVN regulates pituitary hormone production, including adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which binds to melanocortin type 2 receptors in the adrenal cortex to induce steroidogenesis in distinct layers (Dringenberg, Schwitalla et al. 2013). Primates have a threelayer adrenal cortex with cortisol being the primary glucocorticoid produced in the zona fasciculata (Nguyen and Conley 2008), which is released in response to stress (O’Connor, O’Halloran et al. 2000). Corticosterone is the main glucocorticoid involved in the regulation of stress responses in rodents (Smith and Vale 2006). Recently, it was reported that a single episode of binge alcohol consumption in alcohol-experienced human volunteers (men and women) initially (within the first 20 min) increased total number of peripheral blood monocytes and LPS-induced TNF-α production when blood alcohol levels were ~130mg/dL. However, similarly to the in vitro studies described above, at 2 and 5 hours post-binge the numbers of circulating monocytes were reduced and levels of antiinflammatory IL-10 levels were increased (Afshar, Richards et al. 2014).

What Are the Effects of Alcohol on the Body?

In healthy brains, expression of pro-inflammatory Toll-like receptors (TLRs), cytokines, and chemokines is low and occurs primarily in microglia, with transient changes in expression linked to development and synaptic physiology. Signaling between neurons and microglia increases expression of interleukin (IL) 4 and IL-10, two anti-inflammatory cytokines13 that can inhibit induction of TLRs and other brain pro-inflammatory genes. Clinical and preclinical studies are currently investigating microglial and brain pro-inflammatory antagonists and offer great promise for improved AUD treatments.4 These findings suggest that AUD changes in brain networks and behavior involve HMGB1, TLRs, and other innate immune signaling molecules. This review proposes that HMGB1-TLR pro-inflammatory signaling induces epigenetic gene silencing and enhancing mechanisms that alter glial and neuronal transcriptomes, changing cellular phenotypes. Evidence supports that epigenetic gene-regulating mechanisms such as histone methylation are involved in causing microglial and astrocyte sensitization or priming that increases pro-inflammatory gene expression, including TLR and other genes. Further, studies found that cholinergic neurons respond to HMGB1-TLR signaling with increases in REST that silence ChAT and other cholinergic genes, changing neuronal phenotypes (i.e., reducing cholinergic neurotransmission).

Higher Vulnerability to Disease

can alcohol weaken your immune system

There are multiple sensory and motor networks as well as DMN, lateral cortical executive network (CEN), and SN. Although the precise functions of these networks are poorly understood, in general, the CEN engages attention during demanding cognitive tasks and includes the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex. Preclinical studies have identified altered fcMRI network connectivity both in adolescent and adult rats after acute ethanol exposure166 and in adult animals long after adolescent AIE binge treatment.159,160 Acute alcohol exposure increases connectivity within the CEN and connectivity between CEN and DMN as well as CEN and SN.

How alcohol impacts the lungs

Extreme binge drinking, or high-intensity drinking, is defined as consuming at least twice as much (i.e., 10–15+ drinks) per occasion. Alcohol intoxication alters neuronal networks that markedly impact impulsiveness, balance, and other important brain functions. Although acute intoxication has immediate dangers, alcohol use disorder (AUD) has a lasting impact on individuals and families.

Alcohol and the Innate Immune Response

can alcohol weaken your immune system

AUD is considered a chronic relapsing disease linked to cycles of intoxication often initiated in adolescence that change neuronal networks and personality. This increased susceptibility has been recapitulated in rodent models of chronic alcohol abuse. For instance, increased morbidity and mortality, pulmonary virus titers, and decreased pulmonary influenza-specific CD8 T cell responses were reported in female mice infected with influenza that consumed 20% (w/v) ethanol in their drinking water for 4–8 weeks (Meyerholz, Edsen-Moore et al. 2008).

  • Only if a pathogen can evade the different components of this response (i.e., structural barriers as well as cell-mediated and humoral responses) does the infection become established and an adaptive immune response ensues.
  • Mice that consumed 20% (w/v) ethanol in water for up to 6 months, also showed an increased percentage of activated T cells as measured by increased expression of CD43, Ly6C, rapid IFN-γ response, and increased sensitivity to low levels of TCR stimulation (Song, Coleman et al. 2002, Zhang and Meadows 2005).
  • While these effects are short-lived, long-term alcohol use can trigger systemic (bodywide) inflammation, which damages the body’s tissues and vital organs over time.
  • “Alcohol also destroys the protective lining inside your respiratory tract that your immune system uses to prevent upper respiratory tract infections like the common cold,” Dasgupta says.
  • For example, a 2015 study in the journal Alcohol found that binge drinking can reduce infection-fighting white blood cells known as monocytes in the hours after peak intoxication, essentially weakening your immune system.

Long-Term Effects of Alcohol on the Immune System

Though there’s still limited data on the link between alcohol and COVID-19, past evidence shows alcohol consumption can worsen the outcomes from other respiratory illnesses by damaging the lungs and gut, and impairing the cells responsible for immune function. For example, a 2015 study in the journal Alcohol found that binge drinking can reduce infection-fighting white blood cells known as monocytes in the hours after peak intoxication, essentially weakening your immune system. Alcohol can either activate or suppress the immune system depending on, for example, how much is consumed and how concentrated it is in the various tissues and organs. That dual action predisposes heavy drinkers both to increased infection and to chronic inflammation. These articles detail how alcohol affects the immune system and how researchers are harnessing this knowledge to help prevent and treat alcohol-related harm. Stress can cause the development of a stress rash, or hives, which look like small, itchy red bumps, with areas of white patches (known as weals) and swelling.

Although most research has focused on the effects of heavy alcohol consumption on the immune system, several studies have also confirmed that even moderate consumption can have significant effects on the immune system. For example, one study found that women who consumed 330 mL of beer for 30 days exhibited a significant increase in leukocytes, mature CD3+ T-cells, neutrophils, does alcohol weaken your immune system and basophils. In contrast, men who consumed a similarly moderate amount of beer for the same period exhibited a significant increase in basophils alone. Alcohol alters the makeup of your gut microbiome — home to trillions of microorganisms performing several crucial roles for your health — and affects those microorganisms’ ability to support your immune system.

Alcohol abuse also leads to a significant elevation of activated CD8 T cells, measured by increased expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR in adult males who consumed an average of 23 drinks/day for approximately 27 years that persisted for up to 10 days of abstinence (Cook, Garvey et al. 1991). Similarly, an increased percentage of CD8 T cells expressing HLA-DR and CD57 was reported in the group of male alcoholics with self reported average alcohol consumption of approximately 400g/day for approximately 26 years (Cook, Ballas et al. 1995). Mice that consumed 20% (w/v) ethanol in water for up to 6 months, also showed an increased percentage of activated T cells as measured by increased expression of CD43, Ly6C, rapid IFN-γ response, and increased sensitivity to low levels of TCR stimulation (Song, Coleman et al. 2002, Zhang and Meadows 2005). Taken together, these studies suggest that chronic alcohol-induced T cell lymphopenia increases T cell activation and homeostatic proliferation resulting in increased proportion of memory T cells relative to naïve T cells. These disruptions to the composition of the gut microbiota and to gut barrier function have important implications beyond the intestinal system.

We have long heard about how alcohol can impair our motor skills, judgment, state of consciousness, and, of course, our liver. “It is well documented that drinking more than three drinks in one day on most days of the week or drinking more than five drinks on any day is damaging to the immune system,” says Amitava Dasgupta, PhD, a professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at McGovern Medical School, UTHealth in Houston. At this point, you may have alcohol cravings or drink to avoid the low feelings withdrawal causes rather than for the pleasurable feelings alcohol consumption may offer. Alcohol addiction, or alcohol use disorder, is a complex and chronic brain disorder characterized by compulsive alcohol use, loss of control over drinking, and an intense craving for alcohol despite negative consequences.

can alcohol weaken your immune system

Impact of Alcohol Abuse on the Adaptive Immune System

Moreover, the wide-ranging roles of the immune system present significant challenges for designing interventions that target immune pathways without producing undesirable side effects. Alcohol consumption does not have to be chronic to have negative health consequences. There is evidence in a number of physiological systems that binge alcohol intake complicates recovery from physical trauma (see the article by Hammer and colleagues). Molina and colleagues review research showing that alcohol impairs recovery from three types of physical trauma—burn, hemorrhagic shock, and traumatic brain injury—by affecting immune homeostasis.

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