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Stages of Alcoholism Signs, Symptoms, Treatment

By August 9, 2023February 22nd, 2024No Comments

Most recovering alcoholics struggle with temptations and managing triggers during this time, so it’s important to stick to the new schedule and healthy habits. Some people relapse during this phase because they have stopped recovery-oriented practices learned at the beginning of their recovery. Many people choose to continue with outpatient treatment to help them on their path to recovery, while others choose to continue independently. Oftentimes, a combination of family, stress, peers, economic status, and sometimes untreated mental health conditions can all lead to someone developing an AUD. It can be a way to manage stress and mental health for those who don’t have another place to turn. Everything from your genetics, your background, your peers, your mental health, and more can play into an AUD.

If you find yourself continually needing to consume more alcohol to achieve the buzz you’re looking for, you should consider getting help. Once an individual has completed the initial stages of alcohol recovery, the focus shifts to maintaining sobriety and preventing relapse. Stage 4, known as the maintenance stage, involves developing coping mechanisms and building a strong support system to sustain long-term recovery.

Addiction Treatment Options for Drugs and Alcohol

For instance, they may find a greater sense of community by joining a spiritual or religious group. These can be healthy coping mechanisms someone turns to as they progress through recovery. For many people, these groups may serve as their primary resource for changing their behavior, but they also often augment formal treatment. But long-term abuse increases the likelihood of permanent kidney damage and failure.

The characteristics of the middle or “crucial” stage include extreme shame and profound guilt surrounding drinking. At this point, the person finally realizes they have a problem and may attempt to mitigate it by changing their patterns. However, the most common attempts to alter drinking patterns involve things like switching brands or trying to scale back from liquor to beer or wine. A blackout is when someone drinks so much their brain becomes incapable of forming memories, leading to hours of lost time. Blackouts are an especially potent source of guilt, which tends to prevent people from getting the help they need. Heavy alcohol consumption has been linked to more than 60 different diseases.

How we can help you on your journey

These symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal can include alcohol shakes, nausea, delirium tremens, hallucinations, and more. While recovery from alcoholism can take weeks, months or even years, most people progress through six stages of change as they overcome an alcohol addiction. In a comprehensive treatment program for alcoholism, you’ll gain coping skills to effectively stop drinking, be prescribed medications to manage AUD if needed, and build a healthier life in recovery. The middle alcoholic stage marks an intensification in alcohol dependence and its negative impacts on life.

We are here every step of the way, from detox to inpatient and outpatient recovery. We connect patients with our alumni program from the start, so they can meet others who went through their journey here and are still going strong in their recovery. Here in Indiana, the average age when someone has their first drink is 12.8 years old. While this stage technically can begin with the first drink, the primary portion of this stage revolves around people who are expanding their journey with alcohol. This is usually combined with inexperience, but it mainly focuses on experimentation in the form of both levels of alcohol consumption and types of alcohol. Because the person is experimenting, they might binge drink or go out drinking multiple nights in a row.

Addiction Treatment: The Gateway to Recovery

Medical professionals can prescribe medications that help reduce withdrawal symptoms and minimize the risk of complications. It is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate course of action. In the following sections, we will delve into each stage of alcohol recovery, starting with the crucial first stage of acknowledgment. But before we proceed, it is important to note that seeking professional help and guidance is invaluable throughout the alcohol recovery journey.

Families can develop awareness of a loved one’s emotional, environmental, and social triggers of substance use and manage those. Studies show that families that participate in treatment programs increase the likelihood of a loved one staying in treatment and maintaining gains. Under medical supervision, individuals receive personalized care and attention, with the treatment plan tailored to their specific needs.

Ready to make a change?

Second, the body will go through withdrawal if intake of the familiar drug ceases or if there is a significant reduction in the usual amount. When a chronic alcohol abuser stops drinking the signs of withdrawal will set in. The recovery process from drug or alcohol addiction often involves a person making a significant change(s) to improve their quality of life, including overall health and wellness. It can also help teach people to feel empowered in their lives and reach their full potential. The journey of alcohol recovery involves several stages, including detoxification, rehabilitation, maintenance, and long-term sobriety.

stages of alcoholic recovery

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